Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Found no ghost

Went to New Orleans this weekend for some ghost hunting with my friend jen and found surprisingly more fascination with the living than the dead. The people there were so real. They join in your conversation as you walk by, take the time to stop in the middle of the road while driving to help a couple of lost tourist, chat with you even if it is for a brief moment inbetween places, and can say no to you in a way that does not offend ( thanks Court of Two Sisters...I will eat you next time...the brunch I mean). The ghost stories were a wonderful insight into New Orlean's layered past.


damon said...

cool stuff!

Paulette S. said...

Hey Mindy, I love these! They remind me of princess and the frog.

Do you still attend that life drawings class? I emailed the instructor but she didn't respond. Do you attend or know of any other classes?

Alexander said...

good sketches

Tom said...

Beautiful sketches. I would really love to own a sketchbook/artbook collecting your work, really inspiring!

robh said...

someone has got some talent :)